Professional service

Retaining walls are a great way to increase the value of your property, whether it’s residential or commercial. Retaining walls protect homes against soil erosion, which means that retaining wall services offer many advantages for both properties!

The best thing about our retaining wall service is how cost-effective it is. We want every customer who needs retaining wall work done on their property to have an affordable option available so we keep our prices competitive with other companies while still offering excellent quality workmanship!

Gravity Retaining Walls

The most common type of retaining wall. It is easy to install and can be used in many different types of projects, from residential properties to commercial developments. The wall in held in place strictly by the force of it’s own weight, makes this a perfect retaining wall for natural stone or other heavy materials.

Sheet Piling Retaining Wall

One of the many types of retaining walls we offer is sheet piling, which use sheets to bury into the ground for a very basic solution. The one drawback to this type of retaining wall is that the steel sheets will need periodic replacement as they rust. Sheet piling can only be used in softer ground and may need an anchor. Usually you will want them around 1/3 of it’s length buried in the ground. This is a great solution if you don’t have much room to do your construction.

Cantilever Retaining Wall

Cantilever retaining walls are great for those low retaining wall projects such as foundations. The way this retaining wall is constructed, the side supports and vertical beams will create a cantilevering effect to help keep the structure in place. This type of retaining wall can also be combined with sheet piling or other types of retaining walls if needed.

Anchored Retaining Wall

This concrete anchored solution is one that offers some stability while being cheaper than more heavy duty options like gravity retaining walls. Anchoring these structures to bedrock below ground level provides them more security from erosion and foundation intrusion issues.

Retaining Wall Services Design & Construction

We offer design services for commercial and residential properties including construction management, engineering plans, permitting, inspections and problem solving after installation.

Natural Stone Retaining Wall

Natural stone retaining walls are a great way to add an aesthetic touch to the front of your home. We can help you choose from our many different types of natural stones that will create just the right look for your property. If you’re looking for more than just aesthetics though, this is still a good option! These type of retaining walls allow water to flow through them so they work well in high-water areas like near lakes or streams.

The purpose of retaining walls is to prevent soil from slumping in one direction. They’re important for retaining the integrity of your yard and can be built out from a property, up against an embankment or along side it. Retaining walls are used by homeowners to keep dirt on their lawns as well as businesses like golf courses that need them to maintain a level surface without depending too much on grasses which tend not to grow very high off the ground.

We offer many different types of retaining walls such as gravity retaining walls, sheet piling retaining walls, natural stone retaining wall etc., so no matter what you’re looking for we’ll have something just right for you! Give us a call today to receive a free estimate.

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